Something to think about...




Please visit here for the UTAR bus schedule for this semester.

1. Wednesday is Course Tee Day
2. Go visit 15 Malaysia's official website when you are free!
3. Please participate in the polling.

Do you support the Biotech dramas to immortalize our memories?

Monday, April 26, 2010

FYP Information + Final Exam Schedule

Just for you to know:


Phase 1: Submission of Thesis for Marking
a. No need to SIGN the approval/declaration form (Hii, 2010) (unless your supervisor said so, though quite rarely).

b. Hand in your thesis by 27th of April, 2010, 5 pm to your supervisor and Mr. Asraf (ground floor FGO, the counter on your left. He is the ONE and ONLY Malay guy staff at that floor, very nice person). If your supervisor is in Kampar, you can hand in BOTH of your thesis to Mr Asraf and tell him one of the copy is to be dispatched to Kampar and tell him your supervisor's name. You can also ask your Kampar friends to hand in the thesis for you but please do this BEFORE the due date. And I am saying this once only to those whose supervisors are in Kampar: DO NOT HAND IN YOUR THESIS TO DR WONG BY PUTTING IN HER PIGEONHOLE!

I "bold-ed" the statement, capitalise the whole thing, blew-up the font size, coloured it red, highlighted it yellow, and put an exclamation mark so don't say I did not mention this before. :)

Phase 2: Returning of Thesis for Correction
a. The final date is at 19th of May, 2010, Wednesday. It could be earlier, I do not know, because this date is set due to the possibility of third examiner. If your thesis does not go through the 3rd examiner, perhaps it could be returned earlier. Don't quote me on this because I am just speculating.

Phase 3: Submission of Softcopy (in PDF format, burned onto the CD) to Office
a. The closing date is 26th of May, 2010. I think you could hand in earlier than that.


This is the schedule:
1. Fermentation Technology (3/5/2010, 2.00-4.00 pm)
- Index No. 0001-0012: SD203
- Index No. 0013-0070: SD205

2. Genomics and Bioinformatics (5/5/2010, 9.00-11.00 am)
- SD203 (all candidates)

3. Introduction to Sociology (8/5/2010, 9.00-11.00 am)
- SE105 (all candidates)

4. IPC (11/5/2010, 9.00-11.00 am)
- SD205 (all candidates)

5. MMP (13/5/2010, 2.00-4.00 pm)
- SE105 (all candidates)

Of course, this information is available on your exam slip. This is just for your reference. Remember to print out your exam slip... don't blur-blur wait for me to distribute. :)

For more information, please DON'T contact me. Just joking.
