Something to think about...




Please visit here for the UTAR bus schedule for this semester.

1. Wednesday is Course Tee Day
2. Go visit 15 Malaysia's official website when you are free!
3. Please participate in the polling.

Do you support the Biotech dramas to immortalize our memories?

Sunday, February 1, 2009

More stuffs

Wow.... that's all I could say after a long week without setting foot online (damn the dial-up). Really impressed with all the response. Good job people!
There a lot of designs and I loved them. Keep them, on the tee. Now, just a suggestion. I think we need a logo that really represents our batch of BT May 2007 session. The Kiasu Biosapiens logos that were designed on the previous blog posts are meant for, how should I say, the BIG FAMILY of BT, unless somebody don't like them. I think a personalized logo could be meaningful, that uniquely represent us - from the one and only batch. Here are some suggestions. If you don't like the idea, no prob, just shoot it down like you do in Counterstrike, Halo or Doom. No hard feelings. [click on pic to view full size/more details]
Logo #1 (It has the Biohazard sign in it, though not a complete one)
Logo #2

Logo #3 (The red circle is a modified "B" while the green one is a "T". 0507 is our session of intake if you are curious)
About the Chromosome thing Liang and Jynn mentioned, I suggest a new name for the chromosome (not God Chromo, or Godlike Chrome or ... ah, whatever) - Chromosome K(iasu), courtesy of Dr Tee for his "uniqueness" in speech and Greg for his "attentiveness" and "creativity". Chromosome K ("chromosome kiasu", in full) is the best name I came up with so far. Place this name on top of the gel electrophoresis or above the pic of a chromo (up to the designer) and it explains everything about why we are so "kiasu". Here are 2 suggestions based on colour difference:
Click on the words and view it at normal magnification. You can see some "interesting" words, or should I say Codes, in them.


Wear RED SHIRT (I don't care pink, light red, tomato red, salsa red, blood red, maroon red, pinkish red, orangey red, reddish pink, pinky red, reddish red [?!], beef red, ruby red, sunset red, sunrise red, rose red, or hibiscus red) when lesson starts, which means on the 3RD OF FEBRUARY. Anyone who disobey will be in deep, red, hot soup! Haha...

** Seems no one had paid attention to Greg's desperado cryout... He suggested the "red shirt day" but no one bothers to give him anything, no comments, no replies, not even a banana skin or a rotten tomato... So, I "officially" announce the implementation of RSD, or Red Shirt Day as mentioned above.


Jacquelyn Ho said...

Hmm.. so do you mean that we'll have both the general and specific logo on the tee?

What bout those from Ktar? Cos 0507 is definitely not their session intake... correct me if i'm wrong?

And I prefer the 3rd design, 1st one reminds me of my school logo =.- while the 2nd one doesn't really stand out...

gregorule said...

wow~ thanks MZ for noticing my post~ feel so touched...

anyway, i too prefer the 3rd logo... looks more unique... but how the modified B and T come from???! pardon me... jz couldn't see the B and the T...

perhaps we should ask those from group 3 for theeir opinion about the 0507 thingy??

§ xaviermz | 启言 § said...

Erm, actually, 0507 just represent our batch, like a codename. If Utar admin wants to refer us, they also mention 0507. It is like, erm, a "name" for our batch, it doesn't mean we MUST be from May 2007.

Kitson, justin and the Ktar gang would have been give other session names such as 0107 if they were to join our seniors. See? No matter which Utar intake they join, they will have an "identity", lol, reminds me of Bourne Trilogy.

§ xaviermz | 启言 § said...

To greg:

The B is "mirrored". A left-to-right turn/180 degrees turn.

Notice the 2 loops of the B.

For T, it is tilted 90 degrees to the right, just like how you make an N to be a Z by pushing it down at right angle.

Anonymous said...

woo.. cool...

Anonymous said...

Very unique blog.
Fantastic pictures.

Please visit:

Keep blogging.
Good day.

nixxie said...

wonderful designs dear God.. at least i know i'm not alone.. hehe..

The choromsome K is definitely a splendid one, with a little bit of matrix effect, and reminds everyone of dr.tee too..

For the logo part, I will too choose the 3rd design, at first I thought it is a plasmid undergoing replication.. mana tau it is actually denatured B and T.. in short, superb!

§ xaviermz | 启言 § said...

Thnks and Swt la liangs k... I am nots always academic-centred k...

Plasmid pulak...

And, pls la, no "God" la wei...

Ku ni orang biasa je la... k...

nixxie said...

eh come on, it really looks like plasmid..

hehe sorry, then I shall call you MZ爷。

Anonymous said...

go for 3rd logo hehe...
jz like jacquelyn mentioned..
1st really reminds us scol logo haha