Something to think about...




Please visit here for the UTAR bus schedule for this semester.

1. Wednesday is Course Tee Day
2. Go visit 15 Malaysia's official website when you are free!
3. Please participate in the polling.

Do you support the Biotech dramas to immortalize our memories?

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Grim Reaper - Message from Hell

Click to enlarge this message. Don't worry, it won't bite you now. But I cannot guarantee it wouldn't do that 5 weeks later.

Yes, this is a message from the killing machine - Utar. See the consecutive blows from MB and Genetics? Yup, 2 in A ROW. And see how long later we would be taking our CTC?

That's the Utar way of doing things. God bless our ravaged souls...

And by the way, the last time I checked, our elective is called "Culture and Communication" and the unit code is UAPS2013. Since when it is called Intro to Socio (though this is our first part of our subject) and when its unit code becomes 2003? Something is wrong here...

Then and again, since when things are right at the first place in Utar?!

Prepare yourselves people, be prepared...


Dormiens said...

Ah. I've gotten used to UTAR's way of doing things. Once we graduate, let's save the rest of our doomed juniors by burning down the administration block. Who's with me?

§ xaviermz | 启言 § said...

Whoa, watch your words, man... If one day, touch wood, something like that happened, you're the prime suspect. But I need to finalize the timetable with the officers tomorrow. There is something wrong about the C&C slot. Biochem said their C&C is during the time AFTER CTC!

Geez... One Hell of a time is not enough.

Dormiens said...

Go MZ, work for the betterment of BT student rights. We're right behind you. Not in the literal sense. XD

LimKahYee, Kylie said...

sigh.. we have microb, principle of biotech and physio 3 IN A ROW..

They always thought UTAR's science students can cope with all these.. *shit...